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Peru is one of the most memorable and fascinating places I have been so far. The land boasts wonderful nature, breathtaking views, the kindest locals, rich history and culture. It was also my favourite trip because I was able to experience this magical place with my mom and take her on an adventure overseas and…

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St. Petersburg, Russia

St. Petersburg, Russia

St. Petersburg is by far one of the most beautiful cities I’ve visited in my life. It’s situated in the northwestern part of Russia, overlooking the Baltic Sea. The city served as the capital of the Russian Tsardom, founded by the tsar himself Peter the Great, for nearly two centuries until the October Revolution. It…

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Petra, a rose-red city half as old as time…

Petra, a rose-red city half as old as time…

“It seems no work of Man`s creative hand, by labour wrought as wavering fancy planned; But from the rock as if by magic grown, eternal, silent, beautiful, alone! Not virgin-white like that old Doric shrine, where erst Athena held her rites divine; Not saintly-grey, like many a minister fane, that crowns the hill and consecrates…

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I decided last year to see Cuba before it drastically changes with mass tourism (that is already pouring in with major cruising ships) and external influences of capitalism. It is not the most convenient destination since we are all a bit spoiled with having wifi on every corner, franchised restaurants, coffee shops and everything that…

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Gorée Island

Gorée Island

When in Senegal, Gorée Island is a must visit. Only a short ferry ride will take you away from the busy city of Dakar to the quiet streets of this little island. Gorée Island is mostly known for its sad and long history of African slavery. It was the point of no return for so…

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I love to travel, however, I don’t like to plan my travels. Therefore I always leave my decisions on where to go or where to stay to the very last minute (which was not the very best decision for my trip to Iran). Due to the sanctions imposed on the country and aggravated relations with…

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Waiheke Island, New Zealand

Waiheke Island, New Zealand

Waiheke Island, also known as New Zealand’s ‘island of wine’, is only thirty minutes ferry hop from downtown Auckland. It is a perfect getaway from busy streets of the city and one of the many places to go while in Auckland. It is particularly famous for numerous vineyards where you can enjoy the day by…

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Penang Island is a small island in the Malacca Strait, just an hour long flight from Kuala Lumpur. Its capital city is George Town, where the colonial cultural heritage embraces the modern development. Penang is known as the food capital of Malaysia. It boasts one of the most delicious and cheap street cuisine influenced by…

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Underworld of Paris

Underworld of Paris

I know for many, the first thing that comes to their mind of the thought of Paris is Eiffel tower, Champs-Elysees, Notre Dame and numerous other famous attractions. Despite being truly one of the most beautiful cities in the world, however, on one of my trips to Paris I discovered the dark and less famous…

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