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Petra, a rose-red city half as old as time…

Petra, a rose-red city half as old as time…

“It seems no work of Man`s creative hand, by labour wrought as wavering fancy planned; But from the rock as if by magic grown, eternal, silent, beautiful, alone! Not virgin-white like that old Doric shrine, where erst Athena held her rites divine; Not saintly-grey, like many a minister fane, that crowns the hill and consecrates…

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I love to travel, however, I don’t like to plan my travels. Therefore I always leave my decisions on where to go or where to stay to the very last minute (which was not the very best decision for my trip to Iran). Due to the sanctions imposed on the country and aggravated relations with…

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Touring Lebanon

Touring Lebanon

I came to Lebanon on a quick weekend getaway without knowing what to expect and left simply impressed by the snowy peaked mountains embracing the cities, magnificent Jeita caves, beautiful coastline along the Mediterranean and bohemian streets of Beirut. Being strategically located among the neighbouring countries in turmoil Lebanon is rather safe and peaceful although…

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