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About Me

Coming from the heart of Europe, I ventured out into the wild world as a solo female wanderer nearly 5 years ago and have been living out of my suitcase ever since.

After graduating from university I was simply not ready to settle with a ground job and more settled life. I went for the one in the clouds instead.

As a result of years of exploring my favourite destinations around our precious planet I decided to put together little world map collage and memoirs of some of the most interesting parts of the world I have visited so far.

Therefore I present to you my experiences in hopes to encourage or inspire as many as possible to leave one’s fears and comfort zone every once in a while and explore our little planet. Remember that travel really is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.

In my life I have been blessed with many things and one of them was an opportunity to live in Japan for a year during my university time. During that period not only did I managed to travel through Japan from the northern island of Hokkaido to southern Kyushu, but I also managed to brush up on my Japanese skills. And it is two words that I planted deeply in my mind even after all these years and that resonate with everything one is going through in one’s life. It is 我慢 gaman meaning perseverance and 頑張るgannbaru meaning persist. If you have a dream hold on to it and have patience until it becomes a reality. After all even ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’!

My dream was to explore the world and now am living that dream… so come along with me on my journeys around the globe!


You can reach out to me via form below or social networks.