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Peru is one of the most memorable and fascinating places I have been so far. The land boasts wonderful nature, breathtaking views, the kindest locals, rich history and culture. It was also my favourite trip because I was able to experience this magical place with my mom and take her on an adventure overseas and on a plane for the first time!

When in Peru one cannot miss out of course on the stunning Macchu Picchu, ancient Inca citadel and incredible surrounding views. But it is also worth visiting the scenic beauty of a town called Puno in the southern part of the country. It is also considered as Peru’s folkloric capital. The city has still long kept the traditions and culture from the pre-Hispanic times.

It is ideally located near Lake Titicaca, the biggest lake in South America, on the borders between Bolivia and Peru. The lake is known to be the origin of the Incas and the birthplace of the sun according to Andean beliefs. My favourite attraction of the lake are the picturesque floating islands inhabited by Uros people, small ethnic group who are believed to escape to the lake centuries ago from threatening indigenous people of Collas and Incas. Their homes are built from totora reeds that grow in the lake of its depth of only 281m. They also built boats and several other crafts from reeds.

Another attraction near Puno is Silustani an archaeological site with circular towers called chullpas. They were built by the indigenous Colla people and they used it to bury their nobility and their family members in them. The area is worth seeing also because of the sparkling Lago Umayo in the vicinity.